mirage.vis package#
mirage.vis.visualization module#
- mirage.vis.visualization.celestial_grid(lat_interval_deg: float = 30.0, lon_interval_deg: float = 30.0, line_resolution: int = 100, return_labels: bool = False) ndarray | Tuple[ndarray, list[str], ndarray] #
Creates a unit-length grid of points on the celestial sphere for constant latitude/longitude, azimuth/elevation, or ra/dec lines
- Parameters:
lat_interval_deg (float, optional) – Interval between latitude lines [deg], defaults to 30.0
lon_interval_deg (float, optional) – Interval between longitude lines [deg], defaults to 30.0
line_resolution (int, optional) – Number of points within each line, defaults to 100
return_labels (bool, optional) – Whether to return label information, defaults to False
- Returns:
Points ready for
, label strings (if requested), and label positions (if requested)- Return type:
Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, list[str], np.ndarray]
- mirage.vis.visualization.earth_border_points() ndarray #
Returns an array of points representing country borders
- Returns:
Country borders, separated by np.nan rows so they can be plotted all at once
- Return type:
np.ndarray [n,3]
- mirage.vis.visualization.get_cbar_ax(ax: Axes | None = None, side: str = 'right') Axes #
Returns an axis to the right of a plot to use for a colorbar
- Parameters:
ax (plt.Axes, optional) – matplotlib axes, defaults to None
- Returns:
The appended colorbar axes
- Return type:
- mirage.vis.visualization.orbit_plotter(pl: Plotter, frames: int = 60, fps: int = 20, shift: float = 0.0, focus: ndarray | None = None, gif_name: str = 'test.gif', factor: int = 2.0)#
Orbits a plotter and saves a gif of the path
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – PyVista plotter to use
frames (int, optional) – Number of frames in the gif for 1 revolution around the scene, defaults to 60
fps (int, optional) – Frames per second of the resulting render, defaults to 20
shift (float, optional) – Vertical shift above the scene, defaults to 0.0
focus (np.ndarray, optional) – The focus point of the render, defaults to None
gif_name (str, optional) – Name of the gif file, saved to the current working directory, defaults to “test.gif”
factor (int, optional) – Factor to multiply greatest extent from the origin when making the camera positions, defaults to 2.0
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot3(pl: Plotter, v: ndarray, use_spline: bool = False, **kwargs) PolyData #
Replicates MATLAB’s
with apyvista
backend, please use densely scattered points to avoid confusing splines- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – Plotter object to add line to
v (np.ndarray [n,3]) – Vector to plot
use_spline (bool) – Whether to plot as a spline, defaults to False
**kwargs – Additional arguments passed to
- Returns:
Plotted spline
- Return type:
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_angle_between(pl: Plotter, v1: ndarray, v2: ndarray, center: ndarray, dist: float = 1.0, linewidth: float = 10.0)#
Plots an arc between two vectors
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – Plotter to add to
v1 (np.ndarray [1x3]) – First vector
v2 (np.ndarray [1x3]) – Second vector
center (np.ndarray [1x3]) – Center point of the arc
dist (float, optional) – Distance from the center to the arc, defaults to 1.0
linewidth (float, optional) – Line width, defaults to 10.0
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_arrow(pl: Plotter, origin: ndarray, direction: ndarray, scale: float = 1, color: str = 'tan', label: str | None = None, shape_opacity: float = 0.0, font_size: int = 36, name: str | None = None, **arrows_kwargs) None #
Plots a single arrow to the PyVista scene
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – Plotter to add to
origin (np.ndarray [1x3]) – Origin point of the arrow
direction (np.ndarray [1x3]) – Direction of the vector
scale (float, optional) – Scale of the vector applied to the direction, defaults to 1
color (str, optional) – Color of the arrow, defaults to “tan”
label (str, optional) – Label of the arrow tip, defaults to None
shape_opacity (float, optional) – Opacity of the arrow shape, defaults to 0.0
font_size (int, optional) – Font size of the label, defaults to 36
name (str, optional) – Actor name for PyVista’s use, defaults to None
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_balltree(pl: Plotter, tree)#
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_basis(pl: Plotter, dcm: ndarray, labels: str | list[str] | None = None, origin: ndarray = array([0, 0, 0]), scale: float = 1, color: str = 'tan', shape_opacity: float = 0.0, font_size: int = 36)#
Plots a set of basis vectors using a given direction cosine matrix (DCM)
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – PyVista plotter to add the basis to
dcm (np.ndarray) – DCM to plot the basis vectors of
labels (Union[str, list[str]], optional) – Labels to use for each unit vector, defaults to None
origin (np.ndarray, optional) – Origin point of the frame, defaults to np.array([0, 0, 0])
scale (float, optional) – Scale of the basis vectors arrows, defaults to 1
color (str, optional) – Color of the basis vector arrows, defaults to “tan”
shape_opacity (float, optional) – Opacity of the basis vector arrows, defaults to 0.0
font_size (int, optional) – Font size of the labels, defaults to 36
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_conic_sensor(pl: Plotter, station: Station, date: datetime, look_dir_eci: ndarray, half_angle_deg: float, extent: float = 1000, show_edges: bool = False, **mesh_kwargs) None #
Plots a conic (cone-shaped) sensor volume, highlighting all positions that can be seen by the sensor withun a certain extent
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – pyvista plotter to add the mesh to
station (Station) – Station performing the observation
date (datetime.datetime) – Date and time of the observation
look_dir_eci (np.ndarray) – Look direction of the sensor in ECI (J2000)
half_angle_deg (float) – The half angle of the conic sensor in [deg]
extent (float, optional) – The distance extent of the sensor in [km], defaults to 1000
show_edges (bool, optional) – Whether to show the border of the extent, defaults to False
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_egi(pl: Plotter, obj: SpaceObject, egi: ndarray, scale: float = 1.5, plot_stems: bool = True, plot_sphere: bool = True, scale_opacity: bool = True) None #
Plots an Extended Gaussian Image (EGI)
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – PyVista plotter to add the EGI to
obj (SpaceObject) – Object to plot the EGI for
egi (np.ndarray) – The EGI, likely taken from
scale (float, optional) – Scale of the EGI with respect to the furthest object vertex from the origin, defaults to 1.5
plot_stems (bool, optional) – Whether to plot the stems of the EGI, defaults to True
plot_sphere (bool, optional) – Whether to plot scaled spheres at the end of each stem, defaults to True
scale_opacity (bool, optional) – Whether to scale the opacity of the EGI spheres with the face area, defaults to True
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_kdtree(pl: Plotter, tree)#
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_map_with_grid(grid: ndarray, title: str, cbar_label: str, alpha: float | None = None, cmap: str | None = None, borders: bool = False, border_color: str = 'black', cbar_tick_labels: list[Any] | None = None, set_plot_size: bool = True, hillshade: bool = False, **im_kwargs) None #
Plots a global map of the Earth and overlays a transparent, colormapped grid with formatting
- Parameters:
grid (np.ndarray) – 2D grid, assumed to span [-90, 90] deg in first dimension, [-180, 180] deg in the second
title (str) – Title string for the plot
cbar_label (str) – Label for the colorbar
alpha (float, optional) – Transparency of the grid on top of the map, defaults to None
cmap (str, optional) – Colormap to use, defaults to None
borders (bool, optional) – Whether to use borders instead of a background image, defaults to False
border_color (list[Any], optional) – The color of the borders, defaults to “black”
cbar_tick_labels – The tick labels to use in the colorbar, defaults to None
set_plot_size (bool, optional) – Whether to set the size of the plot within this function, defaults to True
hillshade (bool, optional) – Whether to shade the slopes, defaults to False
- mirage.vis.visualization.plot_visible_band(lambdas: ndarray, ys: ndarray)#
Adds the visible band colors to a 2D spectra plot
- Parameters:
lambdas (np.ndarray) – Wavelengths to plot for
ys (np.ndarray) – Y-levels to end the color at (usually the height of the spectrum at each wavelength)
- mirage.vis.visualization.render_observation_scenario(pl: Plotter, dates: ndarray[datetime, Any], station: Station, look_dirs_eci: ndarray, sensor_extent_km: float = 10000.0, sensor_half_angle_deg: float = 1.0, render_catalog: bool = True, up_dirs_eci: ndarray = None, **plot_earth_kwargs) None #
Renders a scene for a set of observations
- Parameters:
dates (np.ndarray[datetime.datetime, Any]) – Dates (UTC)
station (Station) – Station performing the observation
look_dirs_eci (np.ndarray) – Unit vector directions the station looks in, ECI
sensor_extent_km (float, optional) – Extent of the sensor cone [km], defaults to 1e4
sensor_half_angle_deg (float, optional) – Half angle of the sensor, approximated as a conic [deg], defaults to 1.0
render_catalog (bool, optional) – Whether to render the catalog, defaults to True
up_dirs_eci (np.ndarray, optional) – Unit vector directions the station ups in, ECI, defaults to None
- mirage.vis.visualization.render_spaceobject(pl: Plotter, obj: SpaceObject, origin: ndarray = array([0, 0, 0]), scale: float = 1, quat: ndarray = array([0., 0., 0., 1.]), feature_edges: bool = False, face_normals: bool = False, feature_edge_angle: float = 45, feature_edge_color: str = 'r', **kwargs) Actor #
Plots the object mesh using
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – Plotter to render object with
obj (SpaceObject) – Object to render
origin (np.ndarray, optional) – Origin point of the model, defaults to np.array([0, 0, 0])
scale (float, optional) – Scale of the model applied to its vertices, defaults to 1
quat (np.ndarray, optional) – Orientation quaternion of the model, defaults to np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]])
feature_edges (bool, optional) – Whether to plot feature edges, defaults to False
face_normals (bool, optional) – Whether to plot the face normals, defaults to False
feature_edge_angle (float, optional) – Tolerance angle of the feature edges, defaults to 45
feature_edge_color (str, optional) – Color of the feature edges, defaults to “r”
- Returns:
The actor of the mesh in the plotter
- Return type:
- mirage.vis.visualization.render_video(pre_render_fcn: Callable, render_fcn: Callable, post_render_fcn: Callable, frame_count: int, fname: str | None = None, framerate: int = 60, quality: int = 9, background_color: str = 'white') None #
Renders a video given callables each stage of the recording
- Parameters:
pre_render_fcn (Callable(pl: pv.Plotter)) – Called once before the first frame
render_fcn (Callable(pl: pv.Plotter, i: int)) – Called each frame
post_render_fcn (Callable(pl: pv.Plotter, i: int)) – Called after each frame, before the next (only needed for niche effects)
frame_count (int) – Number of frames to render
fname (str, optional) – File name to save as, defaults to None
framerate (int, optional) – Frame rate of movie [frames/second], defaults to 60
quality (int, optional) – Quality of movie file, defaults to 9, less than 10
background_color (str, optional) – Background color of plot window, defaults to “white”
- mirage.vis.visualization.scatter3(pl: Plotter, v: ndarray, **kwargs) PolyData #
Replicates MATLAB’s
backend- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – Plotter object to add points to
v (np.ndarray [n,3]) – Vector to scatter
**kwargs – Additional arguments passed to
- Returns:
Handle to plotted data
- Return type:
- mirage.vis.visualization.show_and_copy(ch: Chart2D) None #
Shows and copies a pyvista plot to the clipboard using ffmpeg
- Parameters:
ch (pv.Chart2D) – Chart object to copy
- mirage.vis.visualization.texit(title: str, xlabel: str, ylabel: str, legend: list[str] | None = None, axis_label_font_size: int = 12, title_font_size: int = 15, grid: bool = True)#
All my prefered plot formatting, all in one place
- Parameters:
title (str) – Title string
xlabel (str) – X-axis label
ylabel (str) – Y-axis label
- mirage.vis.visualization.textured_ellipsoid(a: float, f: float, rotm: ndarray = array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])) ParametricEllipsoid #
Returns a parametric ellipsoid based on the given semimajor axis and flattening ratio, ready for texturing
- Parameters:
a (float) – Semimajor axis of the body
f (float) – Flattening ratio of the body
rotm (np.ndarray [3,3]) – Rotation matrix to apply to the body points, defaults to np.eye(3)
- Returns:
Ellipsoid parametrized by
- Return type:
- mirage.vis.visualization.two_sphere(pl: Plotter, radius: float = 1.0, origin: ndarray = array([0, 0, 0]), **kwargs)#
Plots a sphere \(S^2\) in \(R^3\)
- Parameters:
pl (pv.Plotter) – Plotter to add sphere to
radius (float, optional) – Radius of sphere mesh, defaults to 1.0
origin (np.ndarray, optional) – Origin of sphere mesh, defaults to np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
- mirage.vis.visualization.vis_attitude_motion(obj: SpaceObject, quat: ndarray, fname: str | None = None, framerate: int = 60, quality: int = 9, background_color: str = 'white') None #
Visualizes attitude motion in terms of quaternions, applied to a 3D model
- Parameters:
obj (SpaceObject) – Object to visualize orientations with
quat (np.ndarray [n,4]) – Orientation history
fname (str, optional) – File name to save movie to, defaults to
. IfNone
, no video savedframerate (int, optional) – Frame rate of movie [frames/second], defaults to 60
quality (int, optional) – Quality of movie file, defaults to 9, less than 10
background_color (str, optional) – Background color of plot window, defaults to “white”
- mirage.vis.visualization.wavelength_to_rgb(wavelengths: ndarray) ndarray #
Convert an array of wavelengths in the 380-750 nm range to RGB colors, from codingmess
- Parameters:
wavelengths (np.ndarray) – Wavelengths [nm]
- Returns:
RGBs, out of 255
- Return type:
np.ndarray [n,3]