Shape Comparison Metrics#

Using Frueh and Oliker’s delta-neighborhood metric to compare shapes.

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from scipy.optimize import minimize

import mirage as mr
import mirage.vis as mrv

p = mr.SpaceObject('gem.obj')
v_vol1 = p.v / p.volume ** (1 / 3)
p = mr.SpaceObject(vertices_and_faces=(v_vol1 + 0.2, p.f.copy()))

We need to find the in-sphere and out-sphere of the object. This optimization problem ends up boiling down to the location and radius of each sphere. Equivalently, we can just optimize the location of the origin to maximize the minimum support

def compute_in_sphere(p: mr.SpaceObject) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]:
    if not np.isclose(p.volume, 1):
        v_vol1 = p.v / p.volume ** (1 / 3)
        p = mr.SpaceObject(vertices_and_faces=(v_vol1, p.f.copy()))

    def in_sphere_objective(x):
        p2 = mr.SpaceObject(vertices_and_faces=(p.v.copy() - x, p.f.copy()))
        return -np.min(p2.supports)

    solver_kwargs = dict(jac='3-point', method='BFGS')
    in_sol = minimize(in_sphere_objective, np.zeros(3), **solver_kwargs)
    return in_sol.x,

def compute_out_sphere(p: mr.SpaceObject) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]:
    if not np.isclose(p.volume, 1):
        v_vol1 = p.v / p.volume ** (1 / 3)
        p = mr.SpaceObject(vertices_and_faces=(v_vol1, p.f.copy()))

    def out_sphere_objective(x):
        return np.max(mr.vecnorm(p.v - x))

    solver_kwargs = dict(jac='3-point', method='BFGS')
    out_sol = minimize(out_sphere_objective, np.zeros(3), **solver_kwargs)
    return out_sol.x,

mr.tic('Optimizing in-sphere')
in_solx, in_solr = compute_in_sphere(p)

mr.tic('Optimizing out-sphere')
out_solx, out_solr = compute_out_sphere(p)

print(in_solx, in_solr)
print(out_solx, out_solr)

def delta_neighborhood(p1: mr.SpaceObject, p2: mr.SpaceObject) -> float:
    _, R1 = compute_out_sphere(p1)
    _, R2 = compute_out_sphere(p2)
    _, r1 = compute_in_sphere(p1)
    _, r2 = compute_in_sphere(p2)

    ctilde = 2 * (R1 / r1) ** 2 / (R1 / r1 + R2 / r2)
    return ctilde

pl = pv.Plotter()
mrv.render_spaceobject(pl, p, opacity=0.8)
mrv.two_sphere(pl, -in_solr, in_solx, color='r', opacity=0.3)
mrv.two_sphere(pl, out_solr, out_solx, color='b', opacity=0.3)
shape metrics
Optimizing in-sphere: 2.38e-01 seconds
Optimizing out-sphere: 1.05e-02 seconds
[0.20002671 0.19999049 0.06628717] 0.4371330964719045
[0.19999979 0.2        0.20000005] 0.8669241446166784

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 3.227 seconds)

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